There is no success without trusting the process and embracing the possibility of failure

Teona Teodorescu


Teona Teodorescu


Teona is experienced in design thinking. She is attracted by the process of solving a design problem using visual means, striving to keep designs as simple, fresh and engaging as possible. She loves the challenge of balancing functionality with creativity. In every design, she lets the client and user needs guide her. Her talent lies in adding creative flair to those needs.

Finding her creative passion in the innovative presentation of message and user experience, Teona grew from graphic design into specialising in data visualisation. She studied Graphic Communication Design at the University of Westminster, and later completed a Master in Information Design at the University of Reading. She draws from the skills developed in both courses in her work today. She takes inspiration from other dashboards, websites, apps and digital tools, as well as the arts to influence her visual language. To further understand user experience, she is currently working on a distance learning masters in Psychology, from the University of London.

Teona continually applies design thinking to understand and improve other areas of her life. For example, she teaches design thinking to children. Drawing on its principles, she included the children's needs and input directly to restructure the course. She applies the same process of questioning, exploring, listening and simplifying to her own well-being and growth, using methods such as meditation, dance therapy, journalling, reading, spoken therapy and being outdoors.