We connect numbers to what they really stand for: knowledge, behaviour, people

Ariadna Ariza


Ariadna Ariza


Ariadna is a designer who specialises in visual and interaction design and has a special ability to always see the positive side of any story. Before joining us, Ariadna worked at Designit and Fjord and she has two degrees: one in Art in Design and another in Visual Communication.Ariadna’s experience and ability to focus on the positives means she’s the perfect person to work with our clients and help them tell their stories in a way that elicits joy and compels action.

A self-confessed snowboard master, Ariadna turns to tumblr and her travels for new inspiration. She’s a huge fan of independent comic illustrators and artists, like heymadeleine/Maddie Flores and admits a secret love for the ‘Legend of Cthulhu’, a role-playing game based on the works of horror author H.P. Lovecraft.