Knowledge is freedom

Susana Romao

Portfolio & Partnerships

Susana Romao

Portfolio & Partnerships

Susana is passionate about correcting the injustices and inequalities in this world. Her belief that society can, and is, evolving into a fair and tolerant place has shaped her multifaceted career. From academia to nonprofits to Vizzuality, via bio-research and an MBA, her journey has sought out the places where she can create a positive impact. As a link between Vizzuality, our partners, and people, she identifies opportunities and synergies, influencing strategic direction so that we can fulfill our goals.

After living in six different countries, Susana describes herself as a patchwork of different cultures and tastes. Throughout her life, Susana has loved ballet. She did classical dance for 20 years, and even today she’s still moved by Tschaikowsky’s Giselle. Her favourite place in the world is any beautiful library, the perfect metaphor for her lifelong love of learning.