Believing like an optimist, thinking like a realist

Jacinta Hamley

Campaign Lead

Jacinta Hamley

Campaign Lead

Jacinta is a Campaign & Advocacy Lead with experience in community management and design, and a degree in Earth, Energy & Sustainability. She nurtures our online relationships, connecting the tools we build with the people who use them to create positive change. Our outreach for LandGriffon is informed and shaped by Jacinta’s knowledge of sustainability and environmental communication.

For Jacinta, social and environmental justice are inseparable. In 2019, Jacinta campaigned for aviation policy changes and more sustainable travel options by sailing to COP25 in Chile. In 2021 she launched Climate Craic, Northern Irelands first climate festival, a project which aims to empower citizen action and push for political action in relation to the climate and environmental crisis. She stood for the Green Party NI in the local council elections in May 2023. Jacinta was one of Northern Ireland's 30 Under 30 Climate Change-Makers in its debut programme in 2022-2023 and was shortlisted for Young Changemaker of the Year in the 2023 All-Ireland Sustainability Awards. She is a One Young World Ambassador.