The Climate Smart Map.

Defining the Caribbean as a climate smart zone.

The Climate Smart Map is an interactive platform providing specific climate data such as location parameters, climate risk and vulnerability, climate adaptation efforts, climate readiness, and climate governance from over 26 countries of the Caribbean. This user-friendly tool provides a wide range of stakeholders with the ability to track climate projects in the Caribbean region and visualize climate critical data. 

A data driven resource designed to inform decision making and build resilience to climate change in the Caribbean.

The Climate Smart Map.

Empower decision-making for climate resilience in the Caribbean.

The Climate-Smart Map is a powerful tool enabling policymakers, investors, entrepreneurs, project developers, private sector leaders, NGOs, and all stakeholders to access climate data which will help them judiciously allocate resources, ensuring they are deployed with precision, timing, and purpose across 26 Caribbean nations. The Climate Smart Map is a pivotal pillar of the CCSA’s mandate and will be continuously updated.

Over 26 countries 

The platform allows for collaboration and easy access to critical finance for climate smart initiatives in the Caribbean region.

It’s a match

The tool is designed for investors to find opportunities in the Caribbean & improve climate change adaptation.

Regional excellence

The Smart Map showcases pioneering projects from across the region allowing for exchange of knowledge and community building.

Developing the Climate Smart Map.

The brief.

The Caribbean region is highly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, and these climate-related challenges pose significant threats to the region's ecosystems, economies, and the well-being of its people.

The Caribbean Climate-Smart Accelerator (CCSA), an NGO advocating for a Climate-Smart Zone for the Caribbean, contacted Vizzuality to develop a digital tool that would unlock Caribbean climate smart information by representing the progress of the Caribbean in a way that's easily accessible and highlighting points of interest for the users.

Our long-term ambition was to build a unique and cutting-edge tool that would help CCSA catalyze a climate-smart development in the Small Island Developing States (SIDS), turning the Caribbean into a remarkable example of sustainable growth and resilience.

Our role.

The Vizzuality team in collaboration with CCSA and PwC provided technical expertise guiding the design and development of a user-friendly, map-based platform showcasing diverse climate initiatives as well as critical resources and various points of financing opportunities across the Caribbean. 

Our role included consolidating and categorizing data from multiple projects and resources, developing a scalable data model to accommodate a wide range of users, and designing and implementing both the platform and a robust back office for daily use by the CCSA members.

Delivered with impact.

Accelerating a climate-smart Caribbean

Vizzuality played a crucial role in the creation of the Climate Smart Map by ensuring that the data it presents is both accessible and impactful. Our focus was on developing a user-friendly interface that effectively simplifies complex climate data into a visually compelling format. This design makes the tool valuable and easy to use for a wide range of audiences, including investors, policymakers, entrepreneurs, and the general public across the Caribbean. By collaborating on this project, we helped create an interactive platform that empowers stakeholders to make informed, strategic decisions that drive climate resilience and sustainability across the region.

  • Simplified complex data for easy understanding and engagement.
  • User-friendly design for diverse stakeholders.
  • Empowered strategic decisions for climate resilience and sustainability.

AFoCO Atlas.

Advancing sustainable forests.

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