
A European project focused on soil health, innovation, and building an international community on soil carbon.

ORCaSa brings together international organizations working on techniques for capturing and storing soil carbon. The project’s core mission is to create an International Research Consortium (IRC) for soil carbon leading the efforts of establishing a Soil Deal for Europe.

Boosting knowledge exchange and collaboration on soil health.


A central place for soil information.

ORCaSa addresses carbon in soils, forests, pastures, wetlands, and urban areas, creating Impact4Soil, a public soil carbon knowledge platform. Impact4Soil serves as a central hub for open-access soil data and knowledge, from scientific evidence to real-world practices and initiatives.

International knowledge network.

Expanding dialogue on soil to provide better access to research, methods and practices.

Key innovations for sustainable land management.

3x more carbon contained in the world’s soils than in aboveground biomass.

Restoring the natural cycle. 

Urbanization, industrial farming, and deforestation harm soil health, reducing its CO2 absorption capacity.

Developing the Impact4Soil knowledge platform.

The brief.

The project seeks to address the issue of increasing carbon emissions from human activities, which have led to a disruption in the balance of organic carbon absorbed and stored in the soil to support plant growth. The main goal was to launch an International Research Consortium to serve as the central knowledge and information exchange point on soil carbon and climate action at the global level.

Our role.

Vizzuality was responsible for designing and developing the Impact4Soil knowledge platform, in close collaboration with INRAE and CIRAD. The platform is set to act as the digital information exchange space for the International Research Consortium on Soil Carbon.

Delivered with impact.

Designing a global soil open data platform.

Vizzuality has contributed to the definition of the technical specifications, the final design prototype, user specifications, and implementation of the Impact4Soil platform, together with CIRAD, another technical partner. In addition, we have contributed to the project’s communication and dissemination strategy. The platform was launched in May 2024.

Endangered Languages.

Strengthening linguistic diversity.

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