
Empowering communities to drive environmental action.

more4nature aims to transform environmental protection by including citizens and communities as key actors in collaborative environmental compliance assurance. It specifically focuses on triggering transformative change in conservation efforts regarding zero pollution, biodiversity protection, and deforestation prevention. more4nature is a Horizon Europe project made up of 21 partners, running from Jan 2024 to Dec 2027.

Reversing the trend in environmental degradation through collaborating citizen science initiatives with authorities.


Shaping policies, empowering communities.

more4nature fosters collaboration between communities and policymakers, integrating citizen-driven data into environmental governance and policy frameworks.

The power of citizen science.

Citizen Science is an untapped asset for many authorities and governance. We are working to bridge the gap between citizen science and decision-makers.

Data into actionable information.

We are developing tools to validate citizen-generated data, compute indicators for monitoring policies, and alert about regulatory infringements.

Speed up the pace of change.

We validate a set of behavioural best practices and technical tools and promote their adoption beyond the project through a large-scale demonstration.

Developing the more4nature website and tools.

The brief.

The more4nature consortium—led by IHE Delft with 21 partners—seeks to integrate citizens and communities into environmental conservation through data, tools, and collaborative frameworks. The project addresses barriers to adopting Citizen Science Initiatives by developing solutions that empower citizens and enhance environmental compliance. To effectively do this, we needed a website as the central resource to provide access to the more4nature methodologies, approaches, tools, and guidance materials. A website that communicates to a range of target audiences, serving citizens, communities, intermediaries, local authorities, and public agencies involved in integrating citizen-generated data and citizen action for environmental compliance assurance.

Our role.

Vizzuality leads the communication work package (WP4) and was pivotal in creating the branding, laying the foundations for the communication and dissemination strategy, and designing and developing the interactive more4nature Knowledge Platform. We built the website to serve as a central hub for methodologies, tools, and guidance materials, integrating outputs from the project’s various work packages and case studies. By implementing the case studies map, we ensured the platform demonstrates initiatives across Europe and inspires action from others. Our team focused on intuitive design that reflected the needs of partners across the consortium. We also participate as task leaders within WP2, focusing on integrating the different tools for citizen-generated data collection.

Delivered with impact.

Amplifying citizen science.

more4nature demonstrates the power of collaboration and citizen engagement in conservation. Working with 40 cases worldwide, 98 authorities and national agencies, and 160 Citizen Science Initiatives, this project is ambitious in its scope to transform how citizen science is included in governance. 

To enable this transformation, the project needed a digital presence that reflects its ambitious change-making approach. Vizzuality transformed the diverse needs of our partners and wide audience to create a compelling website that not only showcases project outputs but amplifies the work of citizen science initiatives around the world.

Empowering citizen science for environmental action

  • more4nature transforms conservation by integrating citizens and communities into environmental governance, focusing on zero pollution, biodiversity protection, and deforestation prevention.
  • Vizzuality developed an interactive Knowledge Platform to communicate the project and facilitate collaboration between citizen initiatives and authorities.
  • We ensured the platform effectively communicates with diverse audiences, showcases global case studies, and inspires action in environmental compliance.


Democratising geospatial intelligence.

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