Climate Inequality.

Vizzuality‘s look at climate action and equality.

In our internal initiative we amplify environmental and social data, guiding companies and governments toward decisive action. To create the future we envision, striving for equality will have been central to tackling the climate crisis.

Sustainability, justice, and equality; join us in turning awareness into action.

Climate Inequality.

Prioritizing people and planet.

Visualizing spatial data with essential social indicators is key to empowering stakeholders to make informed decisions that will serve both the people and the planet.

Emission inequality. 

The carbon emissions of the world's 20 wealthiest individuals are 8,000 times those of the billion most economically vulnerable.

Climate-driven poverty.

Between 32 and 132 million people could be pushed into poverty by 2030 due to the repercussions of climate change.

Close the data gaps. 

The scarcity of socio-economic data linked to climate issues hinders informed action. We highlight these links to catalyze change.

Developing the Climate Inequality microsite.

The brief.

We know that the climate crisis is a social crisis, yet societal data and indicators are often lacking in data-backed analyses of the issues and solutions. We wanted to explore what the existing data tells us about these dynamics while offering another visual lens by which to understand it.

Our role.

We captured data from some of the leading NGOs and institutions researching social inequality, such as Oxfam, World Inequality Database, World Bank, ND-GAIN, IPCC, and SEI. By putting a Vizzuality spin on this data storytelling, we highlighted their work while emphasising how addressing these dynamics is critical to create the world we are proud to be part of. 

We're excited to use platforms like this one to help organizations achieve lasting sustainability using data-driven solutions. All the while emphasizing that equality is central to these challenges.

Delivered with impact.

Data tells a story.

  • Understand the intricate relationship between inequality and climate change.
  • Maps that display the balance between vulnerability and preparedness for climate impacts.
  • Interactive quiz to engage and test people’s knowledge on the subject.  


Infrastructure risk assessment and adaptation.

Want to make a difference together?

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