AFoCO Atlas.

Advancing sustainable forests, empowering communities across Asia.

Our custom-designed map-based platform serves as a crucial tool for AFoCO members and users, aiding them in their day-to-day activities across multiple project sites. These include promoting sustainable forest management practices, maintaining healthy ecosystem services, addressing climate change and its impacts through REDD+ initiatives, forest landscape restoration, and building resilience against forest-related disasters like wildfires.

Redefining the landscape of sustainable forestry.

AFoCO Atlas.

Realistic action-oriented forest cooperation.

Discover how AFoCO is transforming Asia's forests and communities through sustainable practices and inclusive partnerships. With over 30 project sites and more than 4,500 hectares of restored forests, AFoCO is making a tangible impact. From empowering local communities with participatory forest management to promoting ecosystem services and climate resilience, AFoCO’s initiatives are driving meaningful change on the ground.

Community Action.

AFoCO has implemented participatory forest management to empower local communities in 42 community forests across 14 Member Countries.

Actionable design. 

Providing practical tools for sustainable forest management and climate resilience.

Mission focus.

Promotion of action-oriented international cooperation by creating policies, building capacities, and fostering partnerships to drive Asian forests towards sustainability and climate resilience.

Developing the AFoCO Atlas platform

The brief.

AFoCO, the Asian Forest Cooperation Organization, is a treaty-based intergovernmental organization dedicated to fostering cooperation in achieving shared Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and regional forestry objectives. Through action-oriented practices, AFoCO focuses on increasing forest cover and implementing the Paris Agreement on climate change across Asia. With a commitment to facilitating the transfer of best policies and experiences into actionable initiatives, AFoCO empowers local communities and promotes sustainable forest management practices. By restoring degraded forests, addressing climate change impacts, and enhancing ecosystem services, AFoCO is driving transformative change towards a greener and more resilient Asia.

Our role.

The Vizzuality team provided scientific and technical expertise, guiding the development of a user-friendly, map-based platform for AFoCO's diverse projects across Asia. Our role included consolidating and categorizing data from multiple projects, developing a scalable data model to acommodate future data, and designing and implementing both the platform and a robust back office for daily use by AFoCO members

Delivered with impact.

Paving the way to climate resilience and sustainability.

In this collaborative journey with AFoCO, we ensure that valuable information is effectively managed and utilized to drive decision-making and project implementation within all the member countries. Our platform enhances the accessibility and usability of data for all AFoCO members, maximizing the effectiveness of their day-to-day operations and contributing to the organization's sustainability goals.

International cooperation for reforestation

  • Forest restoration, addressing both the pressing challenges of climate change and the international cooperation

Global Forest Watch.

Detecting deforestation.

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